We have mentioned in the past how fortunate we are to live in such a wonderful community with such amazing friends and neighbors which makes it even sadder when we lose a member of our collective. Unfortunately we have lost several friends recently, but have been so impressed by the memorial services held by their families. These get-togethers have been joyous celebrations of lives well lived, but cut too short rather than the gloomy funerals and tear-filled receptions of the past. They have been gatherings of friends and family with great food, wine, camaraderie and laughter; the type of occasion in which you imagine your lost friend standing amongst you enjoying the moment.
One such event was held recently in the Garden Center of the local hardware store were the former veteran worked for many years. Everyone brought a dessert while entrée items were graciously contributed by friends at a neighborhood restaurant. Since the celebration was held outside on a crisp evening, we thought a warm dish would be appreciated by revelers. What could be a more fitting dish of comfort than bread pudding?

Lemon Glaze:
- 2 lemons, juiced
- ½ cup sugar
- 1 tablespoon cornstarch
- ¾ cup water
- 2 teaspoons vanilla
Stir together water and cornstarch. In a small saucepan, add water mixture and all other ingredients. Stirring constantly, simmer over medium-high heat until the sugar has dissolved and the mixture begins to thicken; about 1 minute. Spoon 2 tablespoons of lemon glaze over the bread pudding before serving.

Thanks again to Maureen for featuring our guest post. You can keep up with the Orgasmic Chef on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. We highly recommend you do.